Sunday, September 14, 2008


The other day, while sitting in our depression-era "red wooden rocker room", I wondered - when did Jon's and my style come together? How did we know that old musty rugs, dirty brown medical bottles, and shabby chipped-veneer tables would make us happy together, let alone make a "style" for our Queen Anne home?

Style. or home decor, has been the basis of people's lives since the beginning of time. They say that "INTERIOR DECORATORS" are the third oldest profession (behind hookers and motherhood). I mean, someone had to guide the "cave mothers" to include beautiful stick figure wall murals depicting hunting scenes in their humble cave abodes. Even French prostitutes were helped in creating that lovely 19th century bordello look we all covet today. (dripping velvet curtains, large plush chaises, and enough small throw pillows to say "Je ne sais quoi") So, what influenced Jon and me to do what we do in our decorating style?

Well, you could say we were influenced by our families. I mean, I still remember the Barca-loungers and thick golden shag carpet in my living room, and how I said, in 1974, "I hope I always have a comfy chair to sit in to watch Johnny Quest, and thick jungle-like carpet for G I Joe to hide from the evil Big Jim."

Could it be our friends homes? Could their style be slowly seeping into our decorating "psyche"? I mean, I have coveted our Historic Northeast friends Andy and Alan's "1940's Asian Kitsch" living room for years. Envied Corrie and Matt's modern angular bookcase sitting next to a turn of the century upright piano, am in awe of David's eclectic midtown bachelor pad, and the converging lines of Grandmotherly antiques mixed with tribal masks at Jeff's Brookside bungalow. I still catch my breath when I see the 22 foot long, low-rising, aquamarine, 50's sofa in Peregrine and Mark's Crossroads loft.

No, I realize "style" comes from being comfortable. Comfortable in your surroundings, and what inspires you when you wake up each morning to start your day in Urban Bohemia. I realize this is what our friend's are doing, and this is what those cave women and hookers were striving for - a comfortable style that inspires. So what if taxidermy, skeletons, old chairs, and dirty rugs help Jon and I to see the morning sun? At least we see it together through dingy curtains.

Ron (and Jon and Atticus)


You'll Never Guess said...

My Ron, you certainly are deep today. Makes it very hard for me to come up with smart ass remark. Looks like your place is coming along. My take on decorating, you do what makes you comfortable. Not everyone lives in a home that looks like it's out of Southern Living or Architectural Digest-thank God.

Anonymous said...

I so flattered to have my eclectic midtown bachelor pad mentioned in your blog.

I learned it from watching you, DAD!