Sunday, October 12, 2008


I am looking at dew on our grass. Kentucky Bluegrass that Jon and I planted in pots. Grass we grew from seed. One of the few things completed in the house-pots of bluegrass.

And I am daydreaming.

I am dreaming of a day when our house is finished. Stainless steel appliances sit in our new Tuscan-tiled kitchen. Super clean, blonde oak floors glide under my Kenneth Cole shoes as I enter our black lacquered dining room. I place a seven layer meatless lasagna on the Ikea dining room table. Hootie and the Blowfish are playing in the background. Wait. This isn't my daydream. I must of been channeling a depressed person living in a gated suburb community at 145th and Roe. Nope. Not my dream at all. Let me start again.

I am dreaming of a day when our house is finished. When I can step onto my seven inch plush burgundy rug runner, and glide down my stairs to greet guests arriving for the Annual Republican Cotillion. Where my brass lamp fixtures illuminate the guests chapeaux and fur collars, and Winfred, our Butler/maid/servant-man serves port from a cut crystal decanter. Chopin is playing in the background. Wait. This isn't my daydream either. I must now be channeling a turn of the century depressed socialite. Nope. Not my dream at all. Let me try again.

I am dreaming of a day when our house is finished. Where Jon and I can sit in our wing-backed chairs and read the New York Times. A finished house where the coffee is always going, and a wire fox terrier lays at our feet. A finished house where friends and family stop by for no good reason but to say, "Howdy, and here is a pumpkin pie I just baked for you." A finished house where a couple, married for a year, decorates for Halloween, with cobwebs, heirloom pumpkins, and black cats. Where a married couple eats a frozen wedding cake topper in a beat up kitchen. Where Kate Bush is singing in the background. Wait. This isn't a dream...this is my world. I don't need a finished house to have a home. We have already planted the seeds. I just need to sit back, daydream, and watch it grow.

-Ron (and Jon and Atticus)


Anonymous said...

You know you're just asking for pumpkin pies now! Although, you really had me at Annual Republican Cotillion. What a fun theme party! That and Hootie? I'm ready.

Anonymous said...

why do you only channel depressed people? happy anniversary!! i hope your topper didn't have freezer burn. mine is still in peg's and vivians' deep freezes.

Anonymous said...

guess Ill return the plastic grape clusters for your kitchen...I swore you were doing Tuscan.

Anonymous said...

It is never just a house is it? Although Jon has been away from this house for 18 years, one of the upstairs rooms is still called Jon's room. The strange feeling will be when your memories of how it once looked merge with how it looks now. Work hard to build good memories

shakespeare said...

Kentucky Blue grass? I thought you were channeling a Southern belle, demurely perched on your porch wearing your favorite green and white dress, while the Tarleton twins sit adoringly at your feet. Meanwhile their trusty steeds, Hope and Diamond munch not-so-delicately on the tender roots of your hand grown grasses. But then you brought it...HOME. Lovely.

You'll Never Guess said...

Happy Anniversary Guys! Doesn't seem possible that it's been a year. Time flies when you're getting old! Oh, don't you think the grass would look nicer in your yard?

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary (albeit a bit late) to you both. Carol just pointed me to your site and the house sounds amazing! Jealous? Well yeah.
- Bill

abelsowen said...

Happy Anniversary!
And I swear I never suggested you eat a year old freezer-burnt cake...

abelsowen said...

Happy Anniversary!
And I swear I never suggested you eat a freezer-burnt year old cake...YUCK.

abelsowen said...

OK - I'm a dingbat - I didn't think my comment posted - so I reposted. Now I'm posting to tell you about my postings...

Anonymous said...

all of those people might have really lived there over time- about 2.8 billion people were living there all at once apparently. you we're channeling (sound of forks and knives dropping on plates)...their ghosts! bluhahahaaa
(tell 'em tiny shawnna sent'cha)