Ah right, you are probably sitting there at your computer wondering about my life. How my life is panning out. What my life is like so far. I guess the only way to describe me life at Chestnut House is to give you a little peak into a day of it.
Today, I woke up late, jumped out of bed, stretched, and hopped down the stairs to have a look outside. I stood on the porch, smelled the fresh air, and stared at the New York Times on the lawn. I then sauntered back into the house, headed to the kitchen, and had me some water and breakfast. (Some mornings, my breakfast is so dry!) Once my belly was full, I proceeded to look for a place to take a nap. Naps are important to actors. There are many wonderful places in this house for naps. Either one of the sofas, one of the winged back chairs, or even on one of the rugs. Once I was settled, I proceeded to lick my balls (oh, that's right, they got rid of them years ago.) Oh the painful life of being a dog...

I live at Chestnut House with my two dads. I only found out about this phrase just a few months ago while I was smelling Baby's butt. Baby is the long-haired brown wiener next door, and my girlfriend. We get together each morning to shoot the shit, literally, and she brought up my living situation.
"What's it like living with two dads?" Baby said, inquisitively.
I dare say, I have never thought 'bout it. I pondered it for a moment, and then proceeded to blurt out my feelings like I was coughing up a hair ball...
"Baby, I must say, my two dads have been there for me forever. I mean, I have never needed or wanted for anything in me life. They decorated the house in "dirty country" so that I always feel comfortable on the furniture. The floors are rough and unfinished in case I run in with muddy paws. Old chenille blankets lay everywhere in case I get cold. I am never afraid to throw up a little grass on worn wool rugs, and they even have a beat up throne for me at the end of their bed!"
"And Baby, you are probably wondering if two dads can be great parents? Well, I am fifty-six years old (in human years, of course) and they have let me pursue my dreams of being a model by booking me

As I finished my barking rant, I looked up to see what Baby's reaction would be, but she had already moved on to the Shitzu from across the street. As I wandered over to pee on the dog-and-waddle fence, I thought about it. It really doesn't matter if you have a mom and dad, or two moms, or a single mother, or two dandy fathers, as long as your loved and have a warm home, life is good.

-Atticus (and Ron and Jon)
All right, Atticus got to write! The talent of that dog amazes me. He loves his two dad so much but when he does need a mom he always has his Aunt Carol. She loves him so much and talks about him all the time. Atticus is one loved dog. Too bad all dogs arent' as lucky.
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