I am Thinking how thankful I am.
Thankful, Thankful, Thankful.

I am thankful I do not have a tumor shaped like a baby.
Let me explain. The older lady who lives next door (I would say she is in her 70's), came home from the hospital today after having a growth removed. Winnie, the past owner of our house (who has the weiner dog, ironically named Baby) drove her home today, and Winnie had pictures of the "growth". They, (the doctors), said that the reason she, (the older lady), was sick to her stomach for 40 years, is that she had this tumor the whole time , but, it was more than a tumor, it was a baby! Yes, a baby! It had eyes and a mouth. The Old lady next door says she feels better now and has lost 9 pounds. She did look like she had her color back. I am Thankful.
I am Thankful I do not have money. Let me explain. This same lady next door was hoping that her lottery ticket was still good from when she was in the hospital, and, if she wins, she is moving to Arkansas. She wants to get away from her 40 year old son, who broke his pelvic bone last week climbing a tree while high on drugs, and she wants to live closer to Branson without living in Missouri. She likes the shows, which keeps us Triple Threat Actors working, and for that I am Thankful.
I am Thankful. I have friends.
I am Thankful. I have a home.
I am Thankful. I have a great family.
I am Thankful. I have a job.
I am Thankful. I have a dog.
I am Thankful. I have an illustrious husband.
I am Thankful.
Thankful, thankful, thankful.
Ron (and Jon and Atticus)
aw-i am thankful you are thankful :)
i'm surprised she didn't get toxic shock syndrome from that baby tumor.
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