Wednesday, December 3, 2008

A Little Curly Pig Tale

Monday evening Ron and I conducted a social experiment of Pavlovian degree.

During our first holiday party at Chestnut House, co-hosted with Lou Jane, we crammed our entire guest list from the loft into a space, though no less grand, considerably smaller in scale. Here is what we observed:

1. Shove enough people close together, wrap them in acrylic Christmas Sweaters, and no one will realize there is no heat in the house.

2. Nothing brings a crowd together like suckling pig. Liquor+Gigantic Dead Pig+People=Instant Conversation!

3. Never trap yourself between an armoire and a wall...there is just no escape.

4. True friends don't mind watching for falling plaster and loose floorboards as long as you stuff them with coconut bon-bons.

5. There is nothing like a holiday party , and the gifts that are given to the hosts, to show what your friends imagine your decorating style to be. This year was a wonderful, pleasant surprise!

6. If you want to see a little dog absolutely lose his mind, leave a pig carcass on your dining table overnight, just inches out of his reach.

7. Be thankful Christmas comes but once a year-364 days of recovery seems just about right.

Until next week-

Jon (and Ron and Atticus)


Unknown said...

I was surprised that while eating desert next to the pig , all things chocolate tasted like pork.

You'll Never Guess said...

Wow, sounds like quite a party. I wasn't invited but that's ok, I don't have a Christmas sweater :-(

Please don't mount that poor pigs head onto your wall!

abelsowen said...

Roast pig!? I had no idea there was a roast pig at the party! I must have been too busy shoveling in the delicious blondies & brownies...