Hello! How's it going Man in Red? How's the wife? And elves? Does that one elf still want to be a dentist? I know you haven't had a letter from me in years, but I thought it would be a good time to write. I know in my last letter I asked for a Pizza Hut Easy-bake Oven, a Big Jim Camper, and a banana-seat bike, (which, I should thank you for all of these things now, you made Christmas 1975 the best!) I promise this year's letter will be less grueling on you.
First Santa, I would like for you to bring local giving to all my friends and family. Give them the power to only shop at local Kansas City stores for gifts. If they only have $20 to spend, may it be spent at stores like Fabu, or Stuff in Brookside, or Curious Sofa, or Birdies! Any store that gives their heart to this city! And may they never enter a WalMart, or evil chain that rips at the foundation of our city and beliefs.
Second, Santa, if they need to go out for the holidays, may they choose local restaurants, theaters and bars. No chains. May they spend their hard earned money in local dives, like The Brick, or Succotash, or View on the Hill...any place owned by our friends. May they get to see live theater. And may they never step into a eating or drinking district that strips the "power out of life".

Santa, give everyone the power to tip. Tip Waiters, Bartenders, Hair People, Drag Queens, and well, anyone that works hard for very little and give so much.
Santa, also have everyone carry $10 in ones in their pockets to help homeless people out. They need warm food and drink at this time right now. Have them find ten people to help out. Or give to one person that really needs it.
And finally, Santa, give all my friends and family members a great new year of hope. 2009 is going to be a great year! You already brought me a new President, a new home, a husband, wonderful friends and family for Christmas, and I am safe, happy, and healthy, so I really don't need much more.

I believe in you, Santa.
Your Friend for life,
Ronnie (Ron Megee)
i'm touched
i am so moved by your santa blog. i love you guys..
roni j
Okay. I'm weeping. I give. Mercy.
Oh Ronnie, your big sister is gonna get you-LOL
I liked your post but I'm afraid the new President you got is going to break or turn out to be a dud. Don't get your hopes up too much.
All I ask Santa for each year is another chance to see the great Ron Megee in Santa Land Diaries-HINT HINT
Here! Here! I want another round of Ron in Santa Land Diaries!!!
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